Thursday, August 18, 2011
How long can duck eggs go without warmth?
I mallard duck decided to nest in my back yard without my knowledge and my 95lb chocolate lab scared her off this morning around 10:20am it is now 6:20pm and I am concerned that the ducklings inside the eggs are going to die. How long do I let them sit outside without cover from the cold before I try to incubate them myself?
How do I change my life ? ...can you really change?
i try to escape myself, and i don't love myself. i constantly want to be somebody else. i am my own worst enemy. i let how others see me, view me and talk to me,... hurt me, and make me angry, mad, depressed, sick, lazy, etc. how do i become stronger, and truly change my life.... I want to reinvent myself and my life that people actually see me ...were do I start
1986 Mitsubishi Mighty Max Parts?
I'm looking for a website that sales parts for a 1986 mitsubishi MightyMax. I'm looking for a Speedometer gear cog and center console. Please don't just submit random truck websites like truck stuff, which doesn't even have mighty max parts. thanks
What are the biggest problems the US faces with the illegal immigrants?
have anyone heard about the new law their triyin to p in cali? it called jamiel's law, a high school student named jamiel was murdered three door down from his house by an illegal immigrant in a gang last month, who was just released from prison a day earlier. now jamiels parents are triying to get the los angeles concil to p a law where any enforcement can pull you over if you look illegal and get deported and so on. so it's up to us to help get this law ped by spreading the word so everyone will know, myspace, facebook, what ever it takes, so let's spread the word. google jamiel's law for more info.
Does a person's height match his/her wingspan?
2.5 INCHES from your left middle finger to your right? I think you might want to edit your question! lol
What is the USA doing to guarantee flight safety due to ash and soot?
As far as I know, there is no threat to domestic flights at the moment. To the best of my knowledge, the only real threat is to flights over northern Europe. For this reason, this isn't really an American issue.
Hybrid Recommendations!?
Hello I have a 23 handicap and I am looking to purchase my first ever hybrid. I currently have a nike sasquatch 3 wood regular stiffness and I love it. Is a taylormade burner rescue tour a good hybrid or a taylormade burner rescue high launch?
Make the following sentences 1.identical 2.hobbling 3.reluctantly 4.iterrupted 5.hopefully 6.worried 7.?
The identical Hobbit twins were hobbling reluctantly to work when they were interrupted by a hopefully worried Golum looking for his precious ring.
My Gerbil has a cut around his eye, what do I do?
He's in the cage with two others. They came from the same litter. They tussle around every day, but I don't know if it's play fighting or real fighting. It only lasts for a few seconds then they go back to doing whatever, but I just noticed that one of them has a little red cut going around half of the outside of his eye. What do I do? Should I worry?
When will people realize the textbook definition of feminism doesn't describe MODERN feminism?
This double standard is certainly a curious one. I realised the 'dictionary definition' did not fit when the realities I had seen too many times repeated the same message - "feminists say xyz, but act abc".
Promblems wid guys and frnds?
ok... so i like dis guy hu has a gf. yesterday he dumped her n asked me out. i sed yes... 2day in da mornign in skl, her frnds startin callin me all sorts of things... now she says shes ok wid it if i date him but not interact wid her until it cools down... then well be fnds agen. so the qusestin is shud i say yes or no!??
3rd Ave and Havana in Aurora, Colorado. What was this place? (SEE PHOTO)?
Looks like a city storage building - probably for landscape and street maintenance equipment. Or it could belong to some car collector. I'd love to hop the fence and see what's inside sometime, too bad it is so far south or I'd run over on my lunch hour to check it out =]
Why did Emanuel Pessagno succeeded in obtaining Portuguese service and Christopher Columbus didn't?
If Italian sailors like Emmanual Pessagno and Lanzarote Malocello were accepted by the Portuguese and eventually worked for the kings of Portugal then why was Christopher Columbus dismissed by Portugal ?.
DMV Driving test Route?
hah, sorry i cant help you with that location, but the ones near me do different routes, its pretty much wherever the person thats riding with u wants to go...from what ive heard its really short around the block, and they go to a less travelled area so that you can back up. talk to your friends and see which location nearby is the easiest (theirs bound to be one where the people are less strict and are very nice...) i have one in my area and thats the only one i go to. good luck!
What does it mean to invest defensively?
It means to invest in various funds and spread your money out. So many people think they can make it rich on one stock. I got news for you. IT NEVER WORKS. Why do I say that? Because I've tried it numerous times. Try getting yourself into some nice index funds. Spread your money around in various industries and financial sectors. Also go international. America is not the only place with commerce, and as you've probably seen already, India and China are growing tremendously right now. Make sure to play the emerging markets. Take care. I hope I answered your question.
I have a question about cremation:?
I just found out about a lady that has been fighting cancer for quite a while now, has been given a week! Her wish is to be cremated and have her ashes tered over her back yard. I am wondering if she would even be able to do this? Is this allowed or even acceptable?!
Travertine tile colors?
What is the best type of travertine? I found 24"X24" turkish travertine for a very good price. There are gray lines in the travertine. Salesman said, the grays are onyx mixed with the travertine. Is this true? or are these impurities?
What is life like in Germany for a student?
As I am German, I could not really tell you the obstacles in going to school in Germany for a foreign student. I just wanted to correct Jezzi in one little point: While gas prizes are very high, they are not yet as high as she said. One liter of gas is, right now, sold for 1.47€. And I hope to God I don't have to correct myself in a couple of months and pay what Jezzi wrote. I could as well sell my car, than.
Triplets!! Names please?
The first names are Emma, Kayte, and Tervor........the last name is Baskin i need middle names........the fathers name is paul the mothers name is alyssa....... please help!! they're due next week!!
Are there any teacher edition for these book?
Probably, but you can't get one. They only sell those to teachers. If they sold them to anyone, student, parent, tutor, whoever, then the students would use it to cheat and the teachers would stop buying from the publisher.
What kind of doctor/health care person is this considered?
a health care professional who practices naturally and organically and focuses on bodily energy like chakras?
Want this metal band shirt.?
It's a death metal band called Suffocation. I'm 18 which is considered an adult. I'm afraid my parents won't like it. But, should I get it anyway?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
For regular viewers of "The Hard Times of RJ Berger"..........?
I've only caught parts of this show in ping, but for those of you who have seen every episode of it: is there any actual mention during the show as to how "big" RJ really is?
Christians and mercy?
As Christians, do you ever find it hard to have mercy and compion for people who perpetrate so much pain and suffering? For example, as a Christian, I know that we are required to love our enemies and be forgiving but it is an ongoing struggle when I see so much evil carried out, i.e. the Tucson shootings. As a Christian, what is your perspective? Do you find these areas of compion and Christian forgiveness easy or difficult for you?
Whats the deference between i like to be a genius and i like to be genius ?
In your first statement genius is used as a noun. in the second one genius is used as an adjective. You cannot say 'I like being a smart.', because you are using an article 'a' and you must have a singular noun to ociate your article to. In your statement 'I like being a smart.' you only have 'smart' as an adjective after the article 'a', and not as a noun. Unlike 'I like being a smart guy' your article 'a' is pointing to the noun 'guy' making it grammatically correct. If you want to remove the word guy you have to drop your article as well so you can say 'I like being smart' instead of 'I like being a smart'.
Muslims: what does this mean?
Thank you for asking about my religion. It means Allah can forgive anything He wants but He will NEVER forgive shirk.
Teacup Maltese needs a home?
Send him to me! I have a maltese/peekapoo and so does my 14 year old. They would make great friends. Ours are 7 years old and we have never bred them and do not plan to. We simply want to love on them. Seriously I would be happy to take the pup. This "breeder" sounds like a jerk. You can contact me through this site.
What song is this (if you've seen the new Star Trek)?
In the Star Trek that came out recently, can someone tell me what song is playing when young Kirk is driving his father's car and almost falls off the cliff? It sounds a little like the Beastie Boys.
Bewitched vs I Dream of Jeannie?
Oh, I definitely love Bewitched more than I Dream of Jeannie. Jeannie is okay, but Bewitched is so funny and the characters are brilliant. I still enjoy watching the show!
Do You Feel Safe in School?
I am in my last year of middle school, and honestly I don't feel safe. I trust everyone in my grade. But what shockingly amazed me was what has happened this year. Most of the crime and trouble was caused by 6TH GRADERS. A kid brought a gun to school, one wrote "Die" on the mirrors in blood, and another d a girl. I don't feel safe in my school, at all. Do you?
Kingdom hearts old book delivery?
ok i need to know how to do that quest. Im at the part where he gives me the book and then theres a clash on top of gizmo shop. i did the red trinity. Ok now for the book where do i take it? he sed the door with the flare but it wont open. And if not that where else? Do i need to find those torn pages? if so where?
Why don't they merge the senate and the house of representatives?
To what end? Just to make the page of bad bills quicker. If you ask me, the slower they make laws the better. We've got plenty already.
Can a terrapin with RTI(respiratory tract infection) be treated at home?
my baby red-eared slider - named Bubble- shows symptoms of RTI and i'm really worried. he doesn't want to eat anything for almost a week now. i suspect he has trouble breathing too because he keeps on gasping for air even when he is on land.other than that, he seems lopsided in water as well. i know that cold water can cause this so if i raise the water temperature by a few degrees, will my Bubble be ok again? or should i send him to the vet?
Stephen Crane poem interpretation of "A Youth In Apparel That Glittered"?
I believe "latter" refers to the youth because he was mentioned second in the line just above. It means the youth is idealistic and a little dumb for the sake of images.
Leek probelm in my jetta?
Im having a leak probelm in and it seem that the water comes from the trunk but when i put the water holes near the trunk it show no sign , but yesterday i found my carpet water the water was one the left and right side so where can i get this probelm fixed do i have to go to a volkswagen dealer but this probelm its coming from the back seat....
Arthrascopic shoulder stabilization?
How long are you in hospital for, and whats the recovery time ect ect. General anaesthetic? I need details.
Would raising the capital gains tax rate REALLY hit the middle cl?
I haven't read the article, but i will say that increases in the capital gains tax would hurt the middle cl(what's left of it anyway) but not directly. The costs of the increase in the tax would be ped down just as always when prices/teaxes increase they are ped along to help secure the wealth of the upper cl.
Did otis from mayberry also play on hogins heros?
hal smith played otis the town drunk on the show andy griffin show, there was some one on the hogins heros that i believe was him, was it or some body else?
Should I claim or settle privately.?
do you have a photo of the other car? Is the damage to the car the same as in the photo? You should have your Ins. pay for it. your premium will not go up 2,000$ and most states give you a free p on your first offense . Always take a photo of the damage in any accident. I have seen a small dent that did not chip the paint turn into a whole back quarter before the insurance adjuster ever saw it.
I am kurdish how would i answer these questions?
Is that a question, ofcourse You say From Kurdistan, it is not country for the rest of the world, but in our eyes it is! plus Kurdistan will hopefuly be recognized in both Iran and Turkey, just like how it is recognized as a region in Iraq :)
What do you think of this trade (NBA)?
the lakers got rid of Shaq in favor of Kobe when Shaq was in his prime why would they trade him strait up now that he's washed up.
Mother's. Did you? Share your story please?
What are you!? 10?!...EAT REAL FOOD for your child. You're being very immature and selfish. Your baby deserves to have a right start nutrition wise. If you can't grasp that concept, you shouldn't have gotten pregnant.
Is your Ghostbusters PC game freezing and crashing? Here is the solution fix.?
I bought the Ghostbusters PC version. After installing the game I was disappointed because it was freezing and crashing my computer. I have an Nvidia GTX 260 core 216 and an Intel E6600 core 2 duo in my rig. This is not the top of the line hardware but it's nowhere near the bottom so I was shocked when the game crashed multiple times just 2 minutes into the game. Well thankfully a kind gentleman over in the Steam Forums made a suggestion and his idea fixed the problem that was stumping so many people including myself. His solution was to simply: 1) Start the game 2) Ctrl+Alt+Del as soon as game starts to load 3) In the Task Manager under" Applications" select Ghostbusters and change the priority to "low" OR set the game's executable priority to low by right clicking on "ghost_w32.exe" under the Processes tab. 4) Close Task Manager and bring the game back up on the screen. BAM ! Game now working and no more freezing or crashing. This simple fix will have your game running smooth as er! I've got everything set on high in the game and the graphics are 'AMAZING"!!! I have gone from totally unplayable 30 FPS and crashing to totally playable 60 FPS smooth as er. Hope this helps some people out there having trouble running this game. I'm not saying this will fix the problem for everyone but it sure worked for me. It also helps to have updated GPU drivers and definitely update your directX to the latest version. Right now I'm using NVIDIA 186.18 driver and the game is simply gorgeous. If you liked the movie you will love this game. I'd like to thank the person over at Steam forums. I'm just ping the information on. And by the way... just in case anyone is wondering, No you do not have to play this game through steam in order for this fix to work. Happy gaming and take care.
What preinstalled Dell programs do I actually need?
If you don't use it then get rid of it. A lot of new computers come packed with software that you'll never use or need. You can ignore the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool but make sure that you download and install the important or critical updates. Avira is a good AV program.
Why am I getting disconnected from conferences?
I continually get disconnected from conferences. When this happens, invites sent to me from conference attendees do not show up for me, even though it appears to them that I am online. Others in our conference have experienced the same issue. What is going on?
What caused the car accident for Juliana Ramos on October 2, 2009? Does any of her friends know what happened?
I know it was at 3:30am on October 2, 2009. Did someone run a red light? Or drunk driver hit her? Or she was drinking? Does anybody know what exactly happened? Watched Chris Medinas story on AI tonight. Heartbreaking... I hope he goes all the way!
How do I obtain "protection" from discriminatory actions of employer, when authorities refuse to intervene?
I have been subjected to reprisals (discrimination) for filing claims under FECA, FMLA, OSHA, Whistleblower Act. These reprisals have included being mandated to attend "improper-illegal" Fitness For Duty evaluations by means of deception by the employer (and Doctor), denied pay when injured-sick, denied representation by union stewards, numerous "bogus" disciplinary actions and even "interrogation/intimidation" by "the one" protective agency that is supposed to investigate threats and intimidation of the workers!
Why do people make such a big deal about the glucose screening?
I did my glucose screen today. The drink was similar to an orange soda. No big deal. I read about other's women's exeprience with the drink, and they make it sound like it's some nasty concoction that makes you wanna puke!! Why do some women think it's such a big ordeal? (Just curious)
Do you think the Angels will come back?
The Angels suck right now. I love the Angels in a non way no offense to any people. They have comeback through worse right, like when they had a bunch of injured players and still managed to make it to the playoffs. I have faith they will comeback. I think they should switch out Brandon Wood because the "prospect" is not producing, Sean Rodriguez is doing so much better, shouldn't' have traded him. Is it the pitching or the hitting, i think we need Figgins back, Anderson, probably Guerrero, Santana to bounce back after his breakout season last year which was my favorite BTW, Lackey, K-Rod, i think we need them back, they were the pieces to the championship puzzle now they are gone. At least Sean Rodriguez. Do you think they will comeback and what will they need to do?
Whenever I'm mad, or upset?
I get this weird irritation in my feet, kinda like growing pains, and I literally HAVE to kick things. Like I can't even control it. I just can't control my anger I guess, and it's driven me to the point where I've kicked things so hard I've bled everywhere and sometimes broken things. I've thrown things around my room and made it messy out of anger and frustration. My parents don't like me to speak my mind, and if I tell them the truth they make up some excuse. For example, I talked with my dad about anxiety issues and have a generalized anxiety disorder and he shuts me out telling me that I'm crazy and a lot like my mom and I need to be less backwards but I can't help it. I can't even call someone on the phone. I remember one year I was absent and they already handed out the yearbooks and I was so scared to go up to the teacher and ask for it because I thought one of my enemies was going to be in their or something, and they'd laugh at me or whatever. I can't get up in front of the cl and give a presentation, and if I do, i'll make myself completely ill worrying about it and miss as much school as I can (Basically, procrastinate. ) I get nervous, embarred, and red very easily. Anxiety has driven me to the point where I get so nervous and have an anxiety attack, which made me feel dizzy and pale as a ghost, that I couldn't even stand up for myself. I had to get sent home ALL BECAUSE of a stupid teacher telling everyone that I didn't take an AR test in her room and that I didn't read when 1) i ped the test, 10 out of 10, 2) when i read at my house i get distracted VERY easily and it takes me a long time to get back on focus. 3) she probably thought i took the book with me while taking it and read some of it through. Also, i was born premature (24 weeks, 1 pound 8 oz) and I had a lot of problems, duhh, as a baby development wise so I couldn't pick up cheerios and stuff. I had a hard time opening things that were simple for most kids. I still do, one time I was holding onto a piece of string as hard as I could and i couldn't feel my fingers, I have a learning disability and if someone interrupts me while thinking I'll start all over and get very frustrated especially in my weakness, math. Due to anxiety, I thought i was going to be late for cl and i got all nervous and red and was on the verge of crying because I couldn't get my locker open. I basically went to the office and I cried to my mom and had a panic attack right then and there. I've had anxiety issues ever since I was born, I still have seperation anxiety with my mom. My cell phone IS my life line. If I ever lose my mom or dad somewhere like in the mall I can just call them but of course anxiety likes to make me go insane and I spazz out if my mom doesn't pick up after like the first ring. I don't know, I'm just sick of anxiety and my dad shutting me out when I want to talk about it. My mom says I can control it but I don't feel that I can and I want pills for it badly but my dad thinks it's some kind of a phase and my mom knows what I go through but thinks i'll overdose or something because I used to be a cutter. PLEASE, help!
What do you find the best way to deal with automobile mold is? home remedies preferred?
mold is with in upholstery of a Toyota Camry sitting in a damp garage for five years and was possibly put away wet or damp.
Are you like this too?
Yes, I agree with you on this. Because of the stuff about Britany Spears I don't want to see her new sitcom. I don't even want my three teenage daughters watching anything she does because what has happened in the past year or so. Everytime these things tell about the actors they just don't know when to stop or when enough is enough. They just run it in the ground. Same with music, they get a new song and just keep playing it over and over again and by the time the song has been out for a week or so then I don't want to hear it again, because I am burnt out on it. So Yes I agree totally and no you are not over reacting. I would be willing to bet there is alot of people that feel the way we do. Good Luck...
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Where could I find critiques of short stories created by Anton Chekhov?
I desperately need critiques by experts about Anton Chekhov's short stories. Can any of you people refer me to a link or a book which contains such critiques?
A good trade?
The problem is your thin at catcher even to start. Posada had an amazing year last year and he probably is not going to repeat his preformance. He is getting up their in age, and his numbers will probably return to normal. With a backup in varitek, not the strongest hitter either. The trade i think would be a good deal, if you had another back up catcher. If you can maybe work another deal, getting and giving someone else so you recieve a catcher, this deal would be good. Good luck!
The runt Gerbil died, will the parents become upset?
The runt of the litter, Speedy, ped away...but instead of trying eat him, Gizmo and Kojak (mom and dad) left him lying with the other babies...and tried hiding the body so that it wouldn't be noticed. I know some animals are known to become ashamed of the fact that they are dying, but I think Gizmo and Kojak were ashamed of the fact that speedy died. Kojak has been acting very finicky since I removed Speedy's body, chewing and scratching, and ignoring the other pups. speedy died of malnutrition. I know that Kojak and Gizmo know that Speedy died. I don't know if they might begin to take out their frustrations on each other, or the other pups. Is there anyone out there with experience in this?
I hate being single but want to wait for the right guy rather than having lots of silly little relationships?
everyone says there is someone for everyone but I think I have some high expectations now. Am I crazy to have these, I am not so young anymore and feeling very broody, I want to have baby. I just don't want to do it with just anyone, I really want it to be the right guy but how do I know I will meet him
Are some races/ethnic groups more intelligent than others?
I know that within every group there are some more, some less intelligent, and I also think there are different types of intelligence. I know this is a sensitive subject, and I am not racist, but it seems certain ethnic groups have more high achievers. Is it nature ofr is it nurture? Serious answers please.
Playing the piano is making my fingers hurt. HELP!!!?
Playing for four hours straight would make anybody's fingers hurt. Try to not play so hard. Take a break for 5 or 10 minutes after 45 minutes of playing. I don't think it will cause arthritis.
Can I get into a doctoral program with these stats?
I have a 3.54 GPA overall, and a 3.6 in psychology(my major). I have field experience and a semester of research experience, but that was in Biology. I was just wondering if I could get into grad school with these. Oh and Im expecting to make about a 1300 on my GRE
What breeds of dogs are these?
Badger looks like he is border collie and maybe husky mixed and nick looks like he has some dobe in him they are both nice looking dogs
Can you help me with middle names for these names? :)?
Whatever you choose make sure that the initials don't embarr her later in life. Spencer IS NOT a girls name...don't do that to her.
I slept with a co-worker and she has feelings?
I'm 28 and truly value the relationship I have with my co-worker (name undisclosed). She is like my big sister and best friend.... She's 43 and beautiful. We have a chemistry which is purely natural and we understand each other. The problem is, we work in a small unit and this could produce issues... I don't care about the age matter because I'm an old soul. Anyway, she has two children, mostly grown, but I'm not sure I want to extend my corrupt genes anyway right?-lol. Please give me some insight... We've slept together and I already told her I don't want to lead her on and stressed the nsa thing. But really, I've thought about being with her. This Monday, we were ok and things were normal, but I can't help thinking, if we didn't work together, I would be willling to try this. She poured her heart out to me on the phone the other night saying she loved me? What do I do...
What are sum good animes to watch?
You should try Miracle train, it's 13 episodes. There's Sailor Moon which has 200 episodes, some movies, and specials, it is sort of like Tokyo Mew Mew. Also there's is Kaze No Stigma it has comedy, action, supernatural, and romance.
An address in sao paulo?
hello i have been there travelling by Tobolivia its an bolivian agency they organize trios in all the south americ try to contact them they will helpe you to find good hotel over there
31 years old, in great shape... powerful old-school hook shot and right hand... should I get in the ring?
Heck, why not?? Go for it, but dont just quit right after 6bouts in the amateur's, atleast take 1 shot at a pro before you call it quits.
Cursed Objects???????????????
Your doll just triggered a subconscious fear which resulted in nightmares. As a kid I had an Alice in Wonderland quilt and I swear every time I slept with it on the bed I had nightmares so I always pitched it to the floor before getting into bed. Nightmares and monsters are a seemingly essential ingredient to childhood and rather innocuous toys can trigger them. My brother had a puppet he swore came to life when the light went out. These objects aren't cursed. It's just childhood.
Is there a place for an Elvis type on American Idol?
Unfortunately, your best shot would probably be on making the gag reels as opposed to the actual show. Unless the whole scene of pop changes within the next few years, I can't see them selecting you for the show.
I am a fairly new vegetarian and I have a question about people's reactions?
Just ignore them, what they are doing is so rude. Your the one eating healthy while they are shoving down greased over dead animal [ :( ]. They are acting immature when they should be adults. Hmph. I hate people like that -.-
Instant streaming netflix suggestions anyone?
I need some suggestions on what to watch. I like suspense, horror(not just blood and guts, needs good story line), sci-fi(like k-pax, powder, the martian child, LOTR,pan's labyrinth), action(like crank) mob movies(carlito's way, a bronx tale) and any movie you think is just EXCELLENT. Pleas only movies from late 90's to the present. Thanks in advance. 10pts for the person with the best answer :)
Why do most Asian men have a problem with...?
the Asian women dating outside of their race? I am Cambodian and am married to a white dude. I have dated other races so I'm not discriminating, but they still call me out as "betraying" my own race. I can choose to love whoever I want, doesn't matter what skin color they have, but they feel like I'm hating them.
Helpful hints and tips of annotating a book?
I'm doing this for my English cl (reading Doctor Zhivago) and we have to annotate the books. Is there anything that can help me make annotating it successful and less messy? Thanks.
I need a french quotes for a tattoo ?!?
I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. I want it to be a inspiration quote, or one about love and music. tous le gens que parle en vrai francais, svp j'ai besion les idees
I am really scared to get my daughter vaccinated against MMR?
I have been doing tons of research and I am scared to give my daughter the mmr vaccine. She will be two in May, so she's a little but older, we missed her 18 month appointment. I am just so nervous. I read that there is no link, then you read these horror stories, and I know that it could be that it's just the age that you can really see the child is autistic. I just don't want my daughter to be hurt. She is so talkative, she sings, she can count to 12, she does so much and I am afraid that if she gets the shot she is not going to be the same funny little girl. She plays jokes and plays with her dollhouse and I have this deep fear that I will be one of those people that after she gets vaccinated she becomes autistic and then I am the one saying no to vaccines. My son who is ten, was vaccinated and he's fine. I am sure I am just being paranoid, it's in my personality, I am just nervous. I want to get her vaccinated because I know the diseases are so much worse, but it still terrifies me!
What was the name of a painting that used Stippling?
It was a giant park scene that used stippling, It had a brief cameo in Family Guy's Stewie Gets a Tan..There was profiles of people but there faces weren't clear or anything it only had details of there noses and eyes.
What do you think of this PBS article regarding boys in school?
I think its true, alot of the boys in my school are likely to end up in ISS, OSS, or detention..haha boys
Is the present trend of sunspot numbers possibly contributing or combating global warming?
No. Sunspots occur on an 11 year cycle. There is no increase over prior cycles. Get Astronomy Magazine from your library, drug store or bookstore.
Why are modern people so dependent on power and running water?
I raised my children hauling water and using kerosene lights and a ice chest. They are very independent people who adept well to all kinds of cirstances. We had three neighbors and wide open spaces. They loved it and so did I.
Newborn not pooping?!...?
So its been 2 days and he finally pooped.but its supper thick! Its the first time its.been this thick and really stick.. Its yellow I feed and supplement wih formula (kirkland infant formula with iron) I got it from cosco .. Wen I try to burp him he grunt and seems really constipated! Wat should I do?
ume an energy of 300 W s is 2b delivered from a 27.0 �F capacitor.potential difference must it b charged?
The immediate cause of many deaths is ventricular fibrillation, an uncoordinated quivering of the heart, as opposed to proper beating. An electric shock to the chest can cause momentary paralysis of the heart muscle, after which the heart will sometimes start organized beating again. A defibrillator is a device that applies a strong electric shock to the chest over a time of a few milliseconds. The device contains a capacitor of a few microfarads charged to several thousand volts. Electrodes called paddles, about 8 cm across and coated with conducting paste, are held against the chest on both sides of the heart. Their handles are insulated to prevent injury to the operator, who calls. "Clear!" and pushes a on on one paddle to discharge the capacitor through the patient's chest.
Which is the worst country in the whole of human history?
i mean which country has committed the most crimes, killed the most people, etc.Great britain, USA, france, germany, spanish, mexican, italians, egypt, japan, china, mongolia, iraq. They are just a few countries to think about. im not just looking for countries which have committed crimes recently, you could go back through history to the romans or egyptians. You could probably make an argument for every country
What day was Walter Alvarez born?
I keep looking EVERYWHERE! But everywhere says the 1940's but I want the exact date! AN dthis isnt Luis walter Alvarez, its WALTER ALVAREZ, his son.
What should I do, I need a guy's prospective.?
medication helps, but you really do need help for the obsessions . You need support from a specialist who understands this disorder
In D&D 3.5 Do monks take a Two handed penalty?
With Monks using both fists or quarterstaff, club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku etc. If I decide to use say 2 Nunchaku will I suffer the dual weapon penalty? Should I take the dual weapon specialization feat/Improved? Also I was wondering what a solid starter monks stats would look like. My stat rolls were pretty awful and I'm going to be allowed to re-roll them due to my lack of effectiveness in my last campaign
Monday, August 15, 2011
Which flat iron is better?
I recommend the Karmin G3 Salon Pro, it heats up to 450f with temperature control, dual voltage, tourmaline ceramic plates with rounded edges which makes it great for also curling your hair. Also has a 3 year warranty. U can buy from a href="" rel="nofollow" or if you are in Canada you can buy at a href="" rel="nofollow" .Or check out the reviews at a href="" rel="nofollow" . It works pretty good with any type of hair. I hope this helps.
Which products work best for acne?
Have you heard about the new graham norton talent show to find the next van gogh.........?
That's quite good that and there is me just about to get an entry form and apply to go on the show painting still life in ****. How well would that go down it would not matter it makes great TV.
Have Democrats Really Considered A Columbian Free Trade Agreement?
Not even the Republicans have considered a Columbian trade agreement. Read the article again. It is Col-o-mbia.
Website obtaining information about the customers?
is it possable for website to obtain information about a persons computer like the power supple and time up and stuff just re guarding the power.
Depression; what can I do?
The best advice I can think to offer is to forgive the people who have hurt you so that they don't hold this power over you anymore. Whenever we are not at peace in our lives we need to look around and see who we can forgive. You will notice that to do this you have to work through your issues individually, but it will be such a weight off your shoulders. Only you have control over your life and by blaming other people you are forfeiting that control. Also if you want to help yourself you should speak with a professional, your life is precious and it is the only one you will have, please, please find a way to realize that. I wish you all the best I really do.
With our daughter constantly leaving us with her children whom we have custody of, can we adopt?
My wife and I have two beautiful grandchildren who we have custody of through DSS. My daughter has repeated left us with no contact for days and a week at a time. WE tried to be supported of her, but she keeps abusing us this way among others. Our thought was to first befome foster parents to help defray the cost of taking care of our kids, and secondly adopt. We have had all the psycological testing from DSS, home evals, etc. What are thoughts on this?
Discharge and signs or first period??? GIRLS!?
for the past two days ive had an on-going headache and a stomach ache. i feel kinda woozy like throw uppy like and last night i did throw up. my friend says to me "period time!" when i told her about it. i havnt had mine yet....oh, and i know that when u get ur first period you have like discharge? im not sure what that looks i may have gotten it but i dont know.
Can this happen to my arms if I'm a very heavy computer user?
I lay on my desk all the time on my arms using the keyboard and mouse and sometimes just laying on them I'm a bit chubby anyways and I was wondering my arms look like they are bigger can they swell up at the top? If you lay on them to much I need to get something else to do instead of always on this thing, XD So I was just wondering can that happen, I also lay on my arms at night under neath my pillow can that make them look big?
How to have nightmares?
Well, Seroquel has always given me horrendous nightmares, I mean really, really weird stuff. Freaky stuff. And most people I know who have taken it say the same thing,'s a prescription drug so I don't know how you'd get some.
What are these tiny little maggot type creatures on my chest of draws?
I've got some wooden chest of draws at home, which are made of MDF wood, but i've noticed some very tiny maggots on the inside of the draw and outside, there seems to be loads of them. What are they, and how do i stop them?
i had with my boyfriend and he was a virgin, the only other thing hes done was gotten head from one other girl. After him i bled alot almost like peeing out blood but it went away, this was all like four months ago. I just had the other night and i bled again i have been spotting ever since. . . i'm scared. and in the sad chance do have a viral STD or HPV, is it to late?
Why don't Google and Yahoo stuff a No Results Search page with adverts like they do with a Results Search Page?
a href="" rel="nofollow"
I want to get my MFA in painting...?
Right now I have a BA in art (emphasis in graphic design). Do I have to have a BA in painting before I get my MFA? What college or university in California do you recommend has the most excellent program? Which have reasonable costs? (I can't afford tens of thousands a semester!) Help!
Question about max units to transfer to UC. Help Please.?
Hello. I have a question on something that worries me quite a bit. I am seeking to transfer to UC Berkley from Los Angeles Pierce Community College. On the UC website it notes that transfer students are to have between 60 and 90 semester units to transfer, obviously meaning a maximum of 90 units. I am going through the list of cles listed at for my major which total up to around 70 units already. However, in order to keep my insurance costs down I must keep at least 12 units per semester which threatens to shoot me over the limit of 90 units. The difficulty of getting into the cles I need have caused me to take superfluous cles like geography, geology, and cinema (all of which are UC transferable) in order to meet the requirements of being a full time student. Is there a possibility that I can omit some of these cles from my transcript so that I stay under the maximum of 90 units? If not, should I just try to transfer before I hit 90 units even though I haven't taken all the cles listed for my major yet? Please respond with advice and thank you in advance.
How to be 100% sure about Bipolar Disorder?
No, there is no scientific test to diagnose mental illness. The only data psychiatrists can collect is that of personal accounts from the patient and the patient's friends and family and base the diagnosis on that. It's annoying to not be certain, but there hasn't been enough research to develop a functional method of testing for mood disorders and other mental illness.
Work related stress. What should I do?
I have been working for my current employer for many years. I used to like what I do, but recently I really hate my job. Every time I step foot inside my work area I start feeling stressed and the only thing I think of is just wanting to go home. I think I am stressed because their are many around me who do not do their job correctly and many times, everything falls on me. I went on vacation a few weeks ago and the day before I had to return to work, I had a panic attack. Yesterday a customer yelled at me for no reason, and I ran to the bathroom to cry. I didn't even do something wrong, I just asked him if he needed help and he snapped at me. Obviously anyone who reads this thinks, well just quit and find another job, but I have a big problem. My husband has been laid of for 4 months, so right know I am the breadwinner in the house, and I just can't up and leave my job because of the financial responsibilities I have. I have a Bachelor's in Biology and I have tried to find work in that field which would be less stressful, but I haven't been very successful. I mean, I spent 4 years in college and I feel that I should start using my Bachelor's for something. I am very good at what I do right know, and I am always ahead of my game, but I am not happy their anymore. My managers are always happy with everything I do, but I feel that I always have to find another way to impress them, and I am never satisfied with just being me. I don't even call out when I am sick because I feel everyone depends on me. Any ideas?
Sims 2 help please.....?
amm i had the same problem before... i dnt think u can do anythink now... but there is 1 thing u can try :) so get the parcel back into the parcel thing ( u know where u keep them all) then take it out again and place it on the place u want to it might ask u again but i really dont think so :( plus u cant make a college without havin expanasion pack for it !!
Whats the closest bart station near 140 lower via casitas, greenbrae, ca!?!?
i need to know the closest bart station near my new marin house because i want to find a job in san francisco
I have a slightly torn rotator cuff, the pain is not that bad so its nothing bad, how can I heal it faster?
It's the middle of football season and I want to play at all costs, i can probably play through it now but I want it to be back to normal
What is that really popular capoeira/samba song?
It seems as though I hear it every time I go out for dancing. Literally every time. It sounds like they're saying, "Heyyy Capoeira era.... capoeira era.." Or something. haha.. Anyone know what I'm talking ahout?
Best way to train thieving on runescape quick!!?
I really want to know how to get good, fast exp for the legends quest (i currently have lvl 48 thieving). also it would help to give me tips on getting good exp for getting 99 thieving in the future. please reply with 2 answers to my problems. thank you.
If your spouse suddenly said they had a crush on someone half their age
"pre-menopausal hormone stuff " could be the case for some weird behavior. but shes deffinatly trying to make up for it. she was having a mid life crisis. and now wants it to go away. trust her. if she hasnt left you by now shes not going to.
Does anyone know of the Bugs Bunny Episode where he is being cooked in a pot by Elmer Fudd?
When I was a kid, I watched this episode where bugs gets into a hot tub but it's really a soup pot. he would sing la da de la de da. i love that episode but can not find it for the life of me. can someone help please?
Gf broke up with me 2 mnths ago. We fought for a month before that, We r bst friends and closer than ever now. She always tells me how much she loves me, and how much i mean to her. I never knew why she broke up with me until 5 weeks ago. She told me about how depressed she is all the time, and how she feels that i deserve better than her, and that she will only bring me down. I was never more happy in my life than when i was with her. I am still deeply in love with her. She wont get help because she is stubborn and independent. Is it possible for us to be together and deal with this depression together? If she really needed to be alone, she wouldn't call me every night, and tell me how much she loves me right? How can i get her to see that i am here for her and i just want to be with her no matter what!
Has anyone ever gone on the no yeast and low carbs and no sugar diet before(candida diet) please help?
I have been on antibiotics for years due to constant sinus infections and as a result i now have dysfunctional intestinal flora syndrome i.e to much yeast in the body now i have to detox for 4 months to rid my body of this yeast don't know what to eat and i am starving and having withdrawals does anyone know or have been on this any info on foods will be greatly appreciative!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Can a landlord be held responsible for child abuse?
Not directly responsible but will share the headaches, bills and police interference, inspections by child services and so on. Why take on someone with problems
Difference between a CO and an NCO, and how to get to each rank?
In order for an NCo to become a CO he must travel the black forests of ruin to find the monkey-man-midget who holds the powder of mediocrity in his bowels. You must strike him thrice upon the crown with your shleighle of rage.
The Beatles questionnaire?… smart &letting there hair grow....6.see answer five.....7. no was not a harrison(my sweet lord)....9.i was more of a fan of THE BEATSTALKERS & MARMALADE during this period i was a 60s baby.
How do you explain about cancer to a four-year-old girl?
i have a little cousin called nicole, who is four years old. she is a very spoiled little girl, who always gets upset when she doesn`t get her own way. she was an only child raised by her single mother. aunt rose had recently got married again. her husband is a man called harry, who was a single father. he has a six-year-old daughter called jade. jade had also been greatly spoiled by her father, who doted on her. after the wedding, the two girls did not get along. nicole often tattled on jade and got her into trouble. jade thought nicole was an annoying little sister. unfortunately, jade got cancer and was in the hospital for ages. she had to undergo many treatments, including chemotherapy, which made all her curly hair fall out. when she got home, people gave her most of the attention. they let her have her own way because of her illness, which made nicole jealous and bitter. nicole feels ignored and left out. she threw temper tantrums and became greatly attention-seeking. she had even tried to fight with jade on some occasion.. there were times when she was mean to her sister. nicole had teased jade, called her names and took her anger out on her. when they go out as a family, jade might not feel well and they have to hurry her home. nicole would cry and scream because she wants to stay and play. aunt rose and uncle harry would just comfort her, saying"we have to go home now because your sister is tired. we will play later." also, aunt rose is now pregnant and there are a pair of twin girls on the way. their names will be grace and emma. what can i do to help them?
Can tarantulas eat anything besides crickets?
Pinky mice work, small frogs for some. You might have to go out to the shed or wood pile to find some insects - good luck.
Why do i get extremely itchy after a shower?
Usually near the end and after my showers, i get extremely itchy, almost unbearably, and it goes away after 15 min or so, or if i put some kind of cloth over the itchy parts, i dont take very hot showers and i shower every night or morning, so what causes this? im a guy (18) btw if it changes the answer any
Do women like guys who wear bikini briefs and speedos, if you have a nice body?
I always wonder why women don't like guys who wear bikini underwear or speedos. As a guy, I find bikini undies comfortable, and for laps, speedos are great.
Family member hit a dog!!?
Family ties are hard to break and you need to make that choice with a trusted adult, but someone needs to do something about the dog. It must have broken bones from a beating like that, and it should never have been off leash around other dod to begin with. The owner of the other dog deserves to know how this happened and there will certainly be vet bills to pay. Your family member should not have dogs, let alone an aggressive one, pit bull or not.
Does American Express offer check cards?
I have seen prepaid Amex's, but never one that was linked to a checking account/debit card. I don't believe they offer this service. Only Visa?Mastercard has this as far as I know.... gl!
My 10 week old pug puppy has an outtie belly on?
Unless its herniated there is no need to fix it. Please don't plan on breeding your pup until it has been evaluated by a show judge and genetically tested for health certifications etc.
Don't you hate it when a member of a group you hate turns out to be okay?
As frustrating as it is, it also brings a sense of hope, not only for humanity, but in the sense that not everything which we perceive to be 100% evil, is ever as bad as we think. There is good in everything, or at least the potential to be good.
Skinny jeans? yes or noo!?!?
Skinny jeans are awesome and , but make sure you wear a baggy top so you wont look completely gay, trust me i know, but skinny jeans rule!! \m/ **** the other losers and haters, take my advice.
Thompson Fly Luton to Tel Aviv?
I m thinking of flying Thompson fly to Tel Aviv, has anyone done this flight? How did you find it? What are the meals like and is there in-flight entertainment? Would you recommend flying with Thompson Fly?
Why are people so hung up on eye color?
if you dye your eyes, i promise u that u WILL eventually go blind and u will regret it. u should just buy blue eye contacts, get a prescription from ur doctor. it's that easy. since ur eyes are very soulful and warm, you would be able to go back, simply by taking out ur contacts. u will have the best of both worlds.
ITunes: How do I deauthorize an inaccessible computer?
To make a long story short, my laptop's motherboard died and it's too expensive to fix. I used to use that computer for virtually everything regarding iTunes. Now that I can't access that computer, I can't exactly get into its iTunes and click deauthorize, can it? So how would I be able to get rid of the authorization ociated with that computer?
Where should I go to college? (CC & transfer, cal state & transfer)?
I don't know about other schools, but University of California schools are more likely to accept community school transfers than state school transfers. If UBC (University of British Columbia?) is where you plan on ending up then you should call them to see if this is true with them as well and plan accordingly.
Is he serious if he unofficially asks you to marry him?
If a guy who you have been dating for a while talks about getting married and unofficially asks you to marry him, do you think he is serious? or just talk?
Help with letter of condolence...?
Give the family a sympathy card with a check or cash enclosed. If you live near them, hand deliver the card. Give it to your ex-boyfriend's cousin's mother or father.
UK and Canadian and American Vocab Equivalents?
Reading through these I have found a lot of terms I'm not familiar with, like Kip (as in "when he [a baby] is having a Kip) is that a Nap. And a Health Visitor, is that a Doctor, Nurse, or what is the US equivalent? Also, this question mentions placement in a pre-school, is pre-school free in the UK? Equivelents of any other terms that are common in other Countries would be most insightful! Thanks
Is Congressman Joe Barton a man of conviction or not?
Basically, he is getting paid by BP to say that. When people realize this, he retracts his statement. It's clear where his loyalties lie.
I love ufc and wwe, but why do we have questions of wrestlers and martial arts in the category of boxing?
if you wish to know about wrestlers, save it for wrestling...if you wish to know about ufc and mma fighters, save it for martial arts, if its not about boxing lets delete these questions that have nothing to do with the sport...lets talk about muhummad ali, wilfred benitez, nino benvenuti, ken buchanan, antonio cervantes, jeff chandler, curtis cokes, roberto duran, flash elorde, george foreman, joe fraizer, bob foster, joey giardello, wilfredo gomez, emile griffith, marvin hagler, fighting harada, eder jofre, harold johnson, ismael laguna, ray leonard, sonny liston, nicolino locche, duilio loi, carlos monzon, jose napoles, ruben olivares, carlos ortiz, carlos palomino. willie pastrano, floyd patterson, sugar ramos, luis rodriguez, vicente saldivar, michael spinks, tiger, jose torres, and pernell whitaker.
8th Grade Formal Dress?
i would go to forever21 or deb shops, and if you're a klutz wear flats instead or kitten heels. for shoes you could go to pay less, DSW, or forever 21
What Songs Do U Like By These Artists?
Archuleta - Lots of people like Crush. My favorites are Barriers, My Hands (not Touch My Hand), Your Eyes Don't Lie, Running, Waiting for Yesterday (digital deluxe bonus), Save the Day (Japan album bonus only), To Be With You, Zero Gravity (available separately)
What was the Bigger shock?
Oh Rivera's blowing the game in game 7 it still kills me. Ny really wanted that win after what happened to the WTC that was one WS i wanted really really bad.It still breaks my heart thinking about it.
Vietnam War song?
Imagine the stereotypical and obligatory vietnam war movie shot from the perspective of being inside a helicopter, while a soldier mans a gattling gun mounted to the helicopter, as the helicopter turns over a village. A song is always playing during that shot. It has a very driving tempo and rythm, but it's very heavy sounding. What might that song be?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Please rate this pokemon diamond team?
it is a very good team. and im glad that u have put in some moves that arn't super strong becuase wen people do they will easily get beaten. 5/5 star
Why did the Rams wait until the middle of the season to start playing?
Maybe if they spent as much time practicing as they do shampooing their **** hairs they would've been able to avoid all those injuries.
What do you think of Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz still being together?
Shes such a horse face! And she seems like a naggy-type girlfriend. Homeboy needs to dump her and move oooon!
What does it mean when my Tube Amp is making a wishy hiss sound that goes away and comes back randomly?
My Peavey Valve King 212 will randomly make weird wishy sorta untuned TV channel noises, not like white noise or distortion. It will do it without any inputs, and it will come in and out, sometimes not doing it and sometimes it will constantly do it. I imagine this is a tube issue? How do I check it out?
I have a quicky question..?
Okay. I have track and im soo xcited. But I do not like changing in front of people. But to me its no big issue. The issue is if people would make fun of people for wearing boxer briefs.. I mean I dont like boxers cuz I get one hella wedgie! But do you think people would make fun of other people for wearin boxer briefs??
Take a popular city and add a title like gazette, weekly, or take the city and turn it into a name, like the New Yorker, the Chicagoian, the Daily Ohioan.
Split AC to buy in India?
I would like to buy 4 split AC in India. 2 of them will be used arround 5 6 hours on daily basis and 2 of them will be like 4 to 5 days in a month. So which brand should i go for. I want only 1.5 ton of ACs. Also does 3 star and 5 star makes a real difference.
Cruelty ground on divorce?
Get a divorce based on irreconcilable differences. No one needs to prove anything and you are free. Then forget her and make a new life. Never see her again.
Im desperate need some advice im pregnant partner working away hes got no intrest in me anymore, im so sad?
sorry its a long 1, he phones some nights and he is that drunk he dont remember speakin 2 me next day or he lies that hes fell asleep so he didnt have to ring i cant stop cryin he makes me feel terrible and he dont care should i just leave
How about some suggestions?
Ik ive posted part of this before but, long story short. 2 virgins -me & my bf- tried the whole thing, as soon as he tried to put the condom on he lost his hardness. he was turned on but -he- wasnt cooperating. Ok so what are some things i can do to help him get it back in the future? -no bjs please-
Does anyone know where i could get a copy of Hitler's Irishman: The Story of Lord Haw-Haw?
online or otherwise?i can only find the imdb . . a href="" rel="nofollow"
What took Ricky Martin so long to confess his gayness when many already knew he bangs?
He obviously wasen't ready to come out at the time. It was and is his personal business,he didn't have to come out at all if he didn't want to. He had to do it on his time when he was comfortable not just be forced to say it by a interviewer.
Redundancy questions help please. UK only ?
There are a couple of things you mention that seem very wrong. I would get advice from ACAS as soon as you can
I really beleive chelsea is good?
they played really well yesterday it jus seems that that they kinda underestimate oppositions sumtime. everton got the free kick after a silly challenge im pretty sure most ppl thought baines would miss. im pretty sure cech thought it was gonna go over and he scores he could've gotten 2 that. same thing happened in the villa game we got the win and lost composure. i felt really sad 4 lampard he played really well and 4 anelka 2 shoot the way he did was really depressing. he didnt take any step back and jus hit the ball hopiing the keeper would get the opposite side. im sure if it was the champions league anelka would have put more effort into it. overall they're performance yesterday was good had alot of opportunities jus didn't capatalize. the also got they're set piece danger back again. one problem was that they jus kept trying 2 feed it 2 drogba. malouda and anelka were not taking enough shots they can cross and try and work something but they keep looking 2 drogba as the talismen he can't do it on his own. they on track jus need 2 work torres in which zhirkov back and benayoun coming back soon chelsea will have more midfield options
One headlight (drivers side) comes on,randomly, on my 1996 Infiniti G20. Only way to get it to turn off is dri
can't turn it off unless i drive it around the block,then turn everything off. Anyone have any ideas? My mechanic says I have to bring it in when the light is on, but the garage is closed at n ight, and if the light is on all night my battery will be dead.Anyone had this problem?
List of shaolin kung fu schools in Hong Kong?
having trouble finding shaolin schools on the internet. Shaolin schools or a list of Hung Gar would be great!
Should i add a pleco?
started a 75 gallon aquarium a week ago. This was a previously set up aquarium and i re-used the old gravel(lightly cleaned) and the driftwood(lightly cleaned) in hopes to speed up the cycling process. I already have 6 zebra danios in the tank as advized by the LFS. The driftwood has algea growth on it, and i just put a few live plants and added 40 watts of light(now have 80 Watts) with the increase in light, i would only expect an increase in algea growth. should i add a pleco to help with that, spot clean(or will that mess up the good bacteria that is growing), of just let if grow until the cycle is complete and clean it then?
Molar m of sugar? with these numbers.?
A 258-mL sample of a sugar solution containing 1.27 g of the sugar has an osmotic pressure of 26.7 mm Hg at 30.�C. What is the molar m of the sugar?
Boxing on Showtime?
Has anyone else noticed that Show 2 has been airing past fights on Show 2 every week night at 10 pm Eastern? Last week I watched the first fight between Corrales/Castillo again. If you are a boxing fan and have the Showtime package I recommend you check it out.
Tiger Woods and Anthony Kim's new driver.?
this driver is for sale check out to view them. this is Nike's new line and it features the rotating shaft for different type of shots. I have seen them and hit them. infact in the new orleans area they the nike rep is going to different courses for the weekend with the tour fit van.
For those who celebrate a religious Christmas?
It makes it kind of bizzare too seeing how the whole thing about putting up a Tree is a Pagan tradition that was kept as a compromised by the Roman Empire converting others. The idea of a Winter Festival is a universal thing.
Help to destroy and prevent KEYLOGGERS!!!!?
I have a little problem with keyloggers and any other similar type hacker (please embellish any other type there are) and I want/ NEED a program guaranteed to seek and destroy such nuisances
Do you think my pictures are good?
I like most of the scenic ones. They are well centred and capture a lot of the main features of the landscape. I think a couple of the others might be a little too near to the tulip/dog, and slightly off centre... but then that depends on what you're trying to capture with them; the photos of 'Howie' could work with a humourous theme.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse?
During high school i made an interpretation of the four horsemen. I don't think i'm religious in fact religion has confused me. But before i became confused i made an interpretation its not real but i'd to like to see your opinion. So we have the four horsemen. I not really aware of what they do or represent but this is what i came up with. For war i was told about the 40 year war between the Arabs and the Israelites. So that is conflict that is believed will never end. For Famine I saw the starvation in Africa and in the world that exist to this day. For pestilence i thought of aids and every other incurable disease. As for death i saw it as a symbol of inevitability and endlessness or incurable. As for conquest look at the globe, fuel, and the rainforest. This is something i made up its not true but i would like an opinion. so what's your opinion? This may be funny to you but i wanna hear what you can come up with? So tell me your made up interpretation of the four horsemen. Hmm?
Can Dogs Spot While Their Pregnant?
My Dog Had puppies about a year back, And we kep a boy. We later got him fixed. winter cam so we started keepi them iside he their indoor kennel. She had gotten out a cople of times during the day while i was away at school. She later ad her "period". and we recently think she is Pregnant, because she is a skiny dog nd getting fat fast. Bu we dont know if its possible cause she had h "period". All im asking is, Can dogs Spot blood while pregnant??
Is it normal to dream of having a 3-some with my wife's sisters?
They are so freaking hot. All blond and bombshells just like my wife but they are younger. My wife is 30, her 3 sisters are all 20.
How much did my cat suffer?
For the last few weeks my 16 year old maine coon's stomach was getting fatter and fatter while at the same time he was getting skinnier and skinnier (if that makes sense). We thought it was worms but after checking his stools we found none, so I umed he was just becoming a fat cat because he was eating so much. Than he quit paying attention to food, and quit wanting to use his litterbox, quit wanting to hang around in his usual spots around us. All he did was hobble around (his hind legs werent working so well by this point), and hide in weird spots beneath the pc desk and stuff. We finally took him to the vet yesterday because he wasnt responding to noise and was acting almost in a trance. The vet instantly recognized his status as the final few hours of a stomach tumor caused by stomach cancer, in which his stomach was filling up with fluids. He said we SHOULD put him down but I wanted him to die at home with us in an enviornment he knew around people he loved, instead of in some damn veternarian hospital. The doctor said it was too late to operate. He said even if we had brought him in weeks ago he was still just TOO old to successfully operate on. The doctor said that he would either go peacefully from a heart attack or his lungs would fill up with fluid. After 2 hours of watching Jacko wind down in my den, he started breathing heavier and heavier, shorter and shorter breaths. He started howling and looking at me almost like he was expecting me to save him. I felt powerless and sad as we watched him 'suffer', or as it seemed. How much did he suffer. It took a LONG time.
Tropical Music?
Look for some music with "steel Drums" as they are called. That's what you here in Hawaii, Jamaica, Pueto Rico, and so on. Google it. Also Don Ho is a very popular main stream in Hawaii, and may be a few of his songs. Google "steel drum" "steel drum music" - "Hawaii music"- "Polynesian Music." That'll hook up you party w/the full effect in the sound department. Can I come to your party.?! It sounds Awesome!!
Are we the dominant species on earth?
Well yes i think we do only because we have the amazing gift of our brains. We are by far the best thinkers in the world, and God actually blew breath into Adam. (he did not do that for any other animals) He also created humans in his image.
Do you admire simple beauty? Comments?
Ohh! that is touching indeed, that is the kind of thing I truly admire. Thanks for capturing it in words... Peace!
Track and Field High school questions on attire!?
Hello, I am about to enter the track and field season and i have some questions on what I can and not wear for my races. Am i allowed to wear these on both arms....,search,searchList-victory#l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-323024 also am i able to wear this...,search,searchList-victory#l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-158910/pgid-158912 and lastly this...,search,searchList-victory#l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-362046 K THANKS SO MUCH!!!!
Heey, piercing question? Please answerrr!?
Heeey, im piercing my tragus by myself, and i was wondering how i can do it without screwing it up and getting it infected?
Questions about Evra Birth control patch?
I just put the patch on today.i said to put it on the sunday after your last period. except i just got off the pill which made me skip my period so i didn't have it but i still put it on the sunday its expected for... i hope i did that right at least. But my question is. i put the patch down on my abdomen. now when ever i sit. the patch crinkles and im scared that its going to become loose and peel off at the crinkled and im scared its not going to work any more.. what do i do? or do i just ignore that?
Is there any truth in this statement by archbishop fulton sheen?
Atheism is not the knowledge that God does not exist, but only the wish that He did not, in order that one could sin without reproach or exalt one's ego without challenge.
Please suggest me some soft rock ballads?
february air by lights =] a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
What has Jesus done that is worthy of all the hatred?
Some people refuse to admit that we are sinners, in need of a Savior- so instead of looking to their sin, and repent and confess and turn to Christ for salvation- they hate Him. If you look at the bible there are quite a few times that Jesus said, people would hate him, and call him all kinds of horrible names. It is no surprise. "The cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are saved, it is the power of God".
Need help about anime Mamotte! Lollipop!!
i think nina will end with zero, because there was this chapter that she said that she knows that she loves zero...
Doc ordered MRI for torn rotator cuff but MRI costs too much?
I don't think I can afford it right now, it will cost $500. I don't know what to do. My shoulder seems to be getting worse, but I have a high deductable. The way it is right now I can still use my arm at work, it only hurts bad if I try to be active or try to sleep on it. I am just wondering if it is possible that it would heal on it's own? Do I need the MRI?
What state should I live in?
i would suggest Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania or in a surrounding area because here we love our football and hockey team and they both do very well. Alot everyone loves our sports teams and you would fit right in. There are alot of leagues that you would play hockey on in Pittsburgh. However, our baseball isn't doing to well so it that's a big concern. In my opinion, we have the most beautiful autumn conditions. We have this ski resort called Seven Springs which is very popular
I cant qet over mah ex i need him!!!?
i need this quy real bad he is mah life buh i messed up by fiqhtinq too much ndd havinq him on check all the time buh i dont know if he feells the same way any more buh i really love him we been toqether fo likke 4 months but i miss him i cant qo on life knowinq im not with him wen i try to tlk to him he dnt want to and wen i askk him questions he always says idkk ndd the thinq is im his first qf and he is mah first real love omq i need him wat do i do?!?
Friday, August 12, 2011
How do you flirt with a long-term boyfriend?
okay, so i've been dating a boy for a year and seven months today(: he always says that he tries to flirt with me, but i never catch it. and usually it's sort of like, we BOTH have to be flirting for eachother to catch on, ya know? so i'm curious to know how i can flirt with him, and him catch it, ya know? it's sorta like, we've been dating so long, that flirting was the first part of the relationship, as it always is, and now we're just like, well we know we love eachother, who needs to flirt?--that sort of, married type of mentality(: i've tried the whole, playing it cute, being bashful, stuff, ya know, the usual. so what do i do to make him catch on, that i haven't already done?
Alan Trammell & Lou Whitaker - Are they both Hall of Famers? Consider this:?
I have to say that these two are guys that while I was watching them I thought they were sure fire HOF players for their positions, I would love to see the two of them go in together as a combo...they were the standard around the league for years. The problem is that many people put players from older eras up on a higher pedestal because they have fond memories of their time as a youth watching them or hearing the stories from family members about them that bring back great memories to them where as Trammell and Sweet Lou do not bring them back to that time...they were an amazing combo to watch, one that I am hard pressed to find a better one to beat them...although many will say Vizquel-Alomar was better.
Has anyone heard Ludacris's new song calling Hillary an " irrelevant *****" with lyrics also aimed at McCain
I like the song the timing off. I hear the song with the curse word deleted. I know how white folks and some silly Negroes can be. Double standard. Didn't McCain laugh and called Hillary a b0tch and his wife a c&nt? Where was Fox News and neocons outrage at that? McCain abandoned his first wife and kids. He only gave her $300 for child support and he's rich. McCain is friends with Don Imus. McCain is a racist. White folks are hypocrites!!!! Fox News, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are the biggest racist. It's a song. Why would anyone base their vote on a song? Fix Noise and neocons are making a big deal for politically gain. They don't even listen to rap music. White men like Sean Hannity can't comprehend a black man becoming our next president. Their whiteness just can't let this happen. These men Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh make KKK proud. They use the media to spread their hate and racism. I guess we are back to silly season. ___))
Christians: My opinion is moot? It is Gods opinion that matters?
I disagree. If you believe we have free will...I get to make decisions about all kinds of things in your life, and you do it all the time. More than that, your decisions all come with possible and very real ramifications. Whether or not you become a Christian, you are a free being, and your opinions matter because they determine the kind of life that you intend to live. It's easy for people to blame their successes and failures on God...especially their failures...but your opinion is most definitely not moot. Best wishes!
Racism in boxing or a bunch of BS?
Do yall think its getting hot in here a little bit....? This guy im cool with literally stopped talking to me because i said Pac would beat PBF. Hes black, im white, so when i said that he started getting slightly irrational talking bout how all these white/asian/mexican fighters are getting promoted cuz there not black. Ive seen it on the web too, and interviews from other boxers. They say how Lampley and his crew always talk negativly about there fights and a bunch of other stuff. Ive even seen it on here, people talking smack about manny being asian, and floyds underappreciated. Even Winky Wright was saying black fighters style is underappreciated. What im saying is this: since boxing isnt just a black sport anymore, does it matter? No one wants to see 800 little Muhammed Alis talking smack, being direspectful anymore, but that doesnt mean they dont like black fighters. Is there a racial rift right now? Anyone else see the line dividing?
Do you think it is wrong to talk to a married man about your dating life?
He seems to really want to know about it & he has a thing for me. Is it wrong to divulge your dating life with a married man? Is it inappropriate? If so, why? We're friends at work only. His wife doesn't know we're friends, to my knowledge. Thx.
Gossip girl - Daredevil?
I never got to see this epsoide! , and im looking all over to find where i can see it but i can't find anywhere. do you know where i can watch this? thanks
What kind of Frog/Toad is this?!?
Looks like a common toad. Toads have glands just beyond their eyes that secrete a mild toxin. Please return him to where you found him. If you can't identify a toad, than you know nothing about how to keep one. The habitat will cost over $100. Wild-caught animals, especially amphibians don't do well in captivity.
How do you know if a solution is acidic, basic, or neutral?
one way to tell is to use an indicator,which is a special type of organic compound that changes color as the ph of a solution changes. this is called a ph scale, in which the strength of an acid,or a base in a liquid solution is measured.the ph scale is a series of numbers from 0 to 14. the lower the ph number the greater the concentration of H+ ions. a neutral substance, such as pure water,has a ph of 7 and is neither an acid nor a base. any ph number over 7 indicates a base similarily,any ph value under 7 indicates an acid.
Can anyone help me with Environmental Science?
We cannot help you cheat. Please give us your best guesses to these questions, and we can correct where you get it wrong.
Any FFA members out there, I need help?
This was last year but still I was wondering. I won 1st place at "estatales" for Prepared Oratory. Wasn't I supposed to continue on to the next competition in Kentucky. When I went to reclaim it my teacher said that only high schoolers go not juniors. He got my expectations way out of proportion. Did he give my trip to some one else so I couldn't compete? Was I suppose to compete in the states? I was wondering, in april im going to compete in regionals in Spontaneous Oratory if the same thing happends again im thinking about it twice before I even compete.
I need to cancel a gym contract...?
My lawyer would say, pay the money. I could explain why, but it is lengthy. Get a receipt that states the contract is terminated. If the money is being automatically drafted out of your bank account, have a statement that the money will no longer be taken out. Don't aggravate yourself. Pay. Check out centers better the next time, and don't sign such a contract again. However, there is one thing to remember, after this month, most people will forget their resolutions and will stop going. They bank on people not showing up and have no optimum amount of members they book. The other option is to get a note from your doctor. No, they have covered everything in their contract. It is iron clad. So, when you quit, make sure you have doentation. Don't leave the building without it.
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)?
I had the pain but no lump. I also got the Cortisone shot and it did not help the first time. I had to go back and get a second shot. I would see another doctor and get a second opinion in case you have a cyst.
Guy problems...hopefully a guy can answer this...girls can too!?
if the guy is not happy with his girl then hell try and get someone else, so hell keep every option open. but if hees hapyy, even if hes not in love then hell say the truth if appropriate but usually they dont need to say if theyre single or not unless theyre in a situation where they like the guy
I beg u! Pls help me! Reward will be given!?
For such a NICE and ROUGH set, which I'm sure I'll enjoy all the lip cuts I get from using it, I'll would be happy to pay the extremely generous sum of 50cents.
Is it possible to be a conservative republican and pro-choice? Being realistic is it good for our society that
every child conceived is born? In a way doesn't this perpetrate the cycle republicans say you hate? The generational welfare family? Saying it's a moral issue imposes your morals on me, saying it's a religious issue imposes your religious beliefs on me. Shouldn't it be a woman's choice?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Should I or Do I And must I?
Should I or Do I And must I get an attorney to look into a 1203.4 And 1203.4(a) Petition regarding an expungement? Just in case ask, I live in Los Angeles, CA; Filed this petition on 06/01/2007; certified mail, and received the certitied mail receipt on or about 06/07/07; and farthermore written one or two letters a month about the this petition over the past almost 9 months; but all I receive is a letter reading as like "We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience" and have more similar letters as like this one; but absolutely no reply of whether the petition was approved or denial; which it shouldn't take this almost 9 months to mention this approval or denial decision! I'm now not sure if I'm just being avoided, told just absolutely anything or plainly if this court just don't want to do anything at all in either way. The petition was filed at Superior Court County Of San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. What do you suggest, go to this court in person?
Cruise Control doesnt work on 97 toyota avalon?
I drive a 97 Toyota Avalon xls, and bought it with 200k miles and have had no problems and currently at 210k, but the cruise control wont work and I was wondering if it might be an easy fix or what. The "cruise" light will come on when I press it but I still decelerate. Any ideas/suggestions?
Got a friend and don't no wat 2 do!!!! help!!!?
Okay so there's this guy that looked really lonely on the bus so i started to sit with him, and now we sit together everyday even though he's like really ugly and weird, but i want to kep him company. Anyways, he told me all about his parents and he said that if he doesn't start to comunicate with his dad his dad is going to file some kind of report, then he'll have to go live with him and he hates him. Is there anything he can do so he doesn't have to talk to his dad, and so he can always live with his mom???? pleaz help!
Tough choice in getting my new car with my current budget?
I have a dilemma here of either spending approx.$80000 buying a 2011 BMW 535i xdrive and keeping it for 8 years or spending half that amount ($40000 approx.) on a 2011 Acura TSX and get to drive another new car in 4 years' time. Any suggestion? This is even tougher than deciding whether to get married or not.......
Why don't girls date guys that wear turbans?
i am 19 and i have never had a girlfriend and i want one really bad so that i can always have someone to hang out with and talk to.I am able to talk to girls but for some reason all the girls i talk to just want to be friends and i don't know why?i think it might be because i wear a turban? any thoughts?
Spanish grammar correction! Can you help me fix this?
Si ayudas a otras personas, tal vez alguien ayudar� a ti. I'm trying to say if you help other people maybe someone will help you
Which school do you think is the best?
First of all, I'm Canadian and am looking for schools within Canada. I'm interested in studying to be a software engineer, hopefully working in the music industry creating programs such as DRM's and what not. I really enjoy computers (I'm currently an IT Tech but I want to expand my knowledge) and I loved doing programming in school. I also love music and would really love to combine those two pions.
Is this depression? And what should I do?
It's called hormones, you are not depressed you are a teenage. This is part of what is wrong with the world, everyone thinks medication will solve everything because they don't want to suck it up and deal with their issues. It is just so much easier to pop a pill and be numb to everything then deal with it.
How much is baskin-robbins oreo sundae?
Haagen-daz's rocky road dazzler costs almost 10 bucks! I think it's too expensive for a cup of sundae... even though it is Haagen-daz..
Do you think Jesus riverdanced?
In most clic pictures depicting Jesus as a shepherd, they always depict jesus with fair skin and red hair... like an irishman. Do you think Jesus could riverdance and drink someone under at the pub?
What are some good recipes for a growing cook?
I've been cooking for a while but the main things i cook are various types of spaghetti, omelettes, frittatas, i grill fry and bake; chicken, porkchops, and fish, i'm good with barbecuing, i'm trying lasagna today tomorrow enchiladas but i'm going shopping soon and i would like new recipes to cook for my family for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don't want any links to other websites i can find those on my own i just don't know whats good and would rather take suggestions from other people.
When do "Buy and Holders" Sell?
I have all my money in vanguard mutual funds and a bit in international bonds funds and savings bonds. I diversified the portfolio into International, Domestic, real estate, bonds, large, mid and small cap funds. I do not need the money for another 5 years. I am a "buy and hold" person, and have done pretty well, not counting the past few weeks. I didn't take any profits when the funds went way up (International/emerging )and I haven't sold when funds way down (Small Cap, Reits). I'm thinking I should have taken some profit, although how would I have know when.... but does a true "buy and hold" loose out by "holding " too long?? I figure the dividends are re-invested back into the funds and I am buying at a really low price.. What are your thoughts people?
Is it hyperhidrosis?
For a while now... i cant remember when i didnt have this... but my hands have been sweaty mostly 24/7 maybe for about only 15 seconds or so maybe 1 min every now and then i will get normal dry hands... but i never knew if having constant clammy sweaty hands was bad but i heard of hyperhirdrosis and i dont know if i would have it or not because it is constantly sweaty... just rubbing them once will make them even more sweaty... im not sure if i have hyperhidrosis or not but it seems it... what should i do? is it serious at all or common or what because i dont know too much about it.
How can I rip a DVD on to my hard drive for free in a common format? (wma, avi, ect)?
I've tried a bunch of programs, and I can't seem to get a usable file that I can watch on windows media player or something. I can decrypt it, but I don't know what to do with those files afterwards.I don't want to pay, or have a free trial, or some stupid water mark. Anyone have any programs that will accomplish this? Windows vista, btw.
Ford KA Locking system?
You have a faulty locking solenoid which needs replacing more likely the drivers door as these take more punishment than others.
Trying to find name of this anime with a demon summoning girl?
I heard of an anime with a girl who's either a rookie demon summoner, or isn't very good at it. She summons (it might have been accidentally, I'm really not too sure on this) a boy demon. I dunno how that summary is going to help, but if you have any ideas of what I'm talking about please help.
What is the los feliz neighborhood of los angeles like?
currently living in chicago now, reliable on public transportation, and the use of our bicycles...could that possibly work?
Why have some of the most influential men in history been inated?
Because people that are against what they are aiming for fear them, and they do not want them to win.
Has any dead person come back and told you about an after life?
Other than just made up emotional tales and charlatans trying to exploit the living by using their dead loved once to earn money, what other proof do we have to believe that life continues after death?
Pregnant or not how big chance your opinion im 17?
Well I went off my pills in may for depression reasons. And Than I had unprotected in june had not gotten period but that was from going off pills and took a test wehn i was late and got negative started two weeks later that was in july well when august came around I thought well i havent gotten pregnant any other month when was not on the pill well on aug 1st to 4th it was my normal period 4 days. Than i had unprotected day or two after that and than on the 14th i started bleedin again on aug 14th the first day which was the4 14th was kinda medium but not light or heavy and than the 15th it was light and the 16th it didnt last whole day it ended that day. I had 4 times unprotected after that i know dont lecture me i have done been lectured by my friends I dont know which period to go by if i go by the longest period im late by 5 days already i have cramping off and on but its not like my period cramping than i am having alot of discharge i have never had before and my side has been hurting than yesterday i slept so long from 1 am to 1:30 pm which i never do im always usually up by ten or eleven and than the past few days my body has felt so sore and under my belly on is so sore when i walk and than when i was in the shower i seen the white things on my every time i would wipe it would come back someone told me it was just from dry skin but idk what to think from this the cramping i am having more than i was and its not painful its just annoying and ihave not had brown spotting or nothing. so idk how much pregnancy cramps can hurt or what i dont know i dont think this is my period coming plus my back and side hurts please if there is anyone that can email me and talk to me please do so
Part III the end. Will you read?
How painfully do I connect with your words, having been where this poem lives more than once. The second stanza brings that home in "tones disturbed and grim". I have learned to wear my scars like paintings of my life upon my flesh, unashamed. This is a most powerful poem. It brings us back from the brink of hell with heavenly words. The series is meaningful in the extreme and written with great ability. Thank you.
How many Christians agree that Christmas should be for Christians only?
I got into a heated discussion this evening at work about this topic. My Co-Worker is a devout Christian (although a very hypocritical one) and he made the claim that since Christmas is about Jesus no one but Christians should even celebrate it. I countered of course with the obvious point that Christmas falls on the same day as a much earlier celebration. He would have none of that though. He was quite ready to deny it completely. So i changed tactics and asked him what he was planning on doing Christmas Eve and Day. Turns out he like many "Christians" is going to get nice and drunk on Christmas Eve and then engage in the time honored tradition of receiving and handing out Gifts. I am wondering if you consider gift giving and receiving to be honoring your Christs birth? That is giving out expensive Gifts to family and friends and receiving the same in return. Would your Christ not prefer that instead of getting drunk and being greedy that you help out the needy?
Is this a good song to sing to my husband at our wedding?
Wonderful Song! Garth Brooks I believe? I think it's beautiful for anyone really! I wanted to say Kudos on the Idea of Singing. Im planning to surprise mine this way too!
How do I plan a fabulous bachelorette party for little money?
I have been chosen as maid of honor for my oldest friend. I don't have very much money (since I am a full-time student), and neither do the bridesmaids who will be helping with the finances. My best friend suggested that we do a toy party, and that the ones she's been to have been really fun. We can't go to any clubs, because there will be underage attendees. What are some other themes I can consider for the party? What kind of foods should I make? Finger foods & appetizers? If so, what are some good ones? And what kind of games can we play?
How does a taurus win a leo male?
I had a friend who is a leo male, we got along really quite well. somebody spiked me drink and now we are no longer friends, When we were we could talk about anything, sometimes things would be taken out of context and he became moody, agitated, he is a shy guy, soft spoken, italian, young and a performer. I want to fix this friendship as i am not impressionable, but this guy has got me vulnerable and sucking and thats not me. I made him laugh, and managed to v=break own walls, and get him a job he wanted, what more can i do?
Do you think that America is doomed to a full Neo Facist "Nazi" future?
The modern conservatives seem have strong neo fascist leanings. I wonder if this is what it was like to live in Germany in the early 1930s. The names and the locations may have changed but the actions all look really familiar. Rush, Bill, and Glen, all spew hate, racism, and intolerance of any opinion that differs from theirs. The 2004 election was all about hate for s, the nightly rants about "immigrants" are clearly poorly veiled racism, and anyone who does not agree with the most far right members of the party are called "leftists" or Nazi even if they are conservatives. Clearly these individuals don't know what Nazism was all about because the Nazis were all about the kind of fascist actions we see today. Are we doomed to suffer the same fate as Germany in the 30's and 40's?
Can a medical coder also work as a medical secretary?
I am thinking about taking some medical coding courses and possibly being a medical coder but I am also thinking about being a medical secretary. I know secretaries should have some coding knowledge, so I thought I could become a certified medical coder. I want to be able to do either profession depending on job opportunities.
What comes to mind when you see this?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Why won't my 2002 Mercury Mountaineer do a warm start?
My 2002 Mountaineer has been in storage for the summer. Last week, I charged the battery to take it out. The battery tests out fine. If I do a cold start of the car, it starts normally 100% of the time. If I drive long enough to warm the engine, shut it off, and restart is a moment or two later (long enough to fill it up with fuel), the restart is difficult. I will start, but the engine will rev, almost cut out, rev almost cut out. It will do this a few times before finally stabilizing and running normally. Is this in relation to the fact that it has been shut down for the summer? If so, what is causing this and what can I do to fix it? I appreciate your thoughts in advance.
Snowboard/Boots/Bindings recommendations?
For a board I recommend the Roxy ollie pop, one of my friends has it and loves it. Out or your given boards get the Rome Blue, another friend used to have one and really liked it. For bindings get the Union trilogy. It's pretty much the best all round woman's binding. And for boots just get one that is comfy. Thirtytwo makes really nice boots.
How to forget your love whereas it is impossible to do ?
his ex had been to U.K. 4 a new living n by den talking to him was wat i was glued to........suddenly our friendship changed into a relationship. I started loving him very badly........he was also pretending dat he loved me alot. but after 7 months his gf had returned to his place again and nw hez expecting me to be his best friend n make his ex.....his girlfren.......!!!!!! i hav never seen datperson in reality i felt in love wid him by talking on the phn.......hw stupid of me but cant help it as i hav already done dat fault !!!!!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Needle nose gar question?
What size tank would I need to get to house a needle nose gar, because i have seen them in a 29 gallon fish tank but i have also seen them in a 125 gallon tank so i don't know what size tank to get
Episode on Teen titans called"Winner Take All"the beginning they were playing this card game.what game is that?
Whoa, I just watched that episode like an hour ago um...The game is most likely made up to start the ep. The creator obvously wanted to start the ep. with a competitive edge first like a need to win before starting the whole fight thing. That's why Cy and Rob wanted to win so much. BB didn't care all that much.
Problem with young geese?
i have incubated some goose eggs bought of ebay, i have four hatched goslings two which seem to be fine but two seem to have a bent neck with a lump on the shoulder, i have had kept chickens for years but its my first time keeping geese. so any advise would be helpful
Attacked at a pet store by a ferret - can we take action?
Hi, no. You can't take action. By action can you be more specific? Shutting the pet store down? Suing the pet store? What do you mean? You can sue them possibly, but you can't make them do something about the ferrets' breeder. The breeder they get the ferrets from is the breeder they choose to get the ferrets from, and you have no proof of inbreeding so you can't make them stop selling ferrets =/
Omg i really need help im getting blood work done and i need to know what there testing me for?
CBC stands for complete blood count. CMP is comprehensive blood panel which reads your sugar, kidney and liver functions. TSH is for thyroid and hormones levels. LH AND FSH checks for female stuff. They are all normal basic blood tests. I don't know which one of those will check for marijuana use.
Do You Think Nery Castillos Team Would Be In Fifa 08?
i honestly dont think so i mean ive never even heard of Shakhtar Donestk until he went there so im thinking will we only be able to play as him for mexico or do u think there is a slight chance that they will include shakhtar donestk in the rest in the world league?
What is the prime purpose of water containment traps in plumbing fixtures?
prevent methane gas from entering the house and to trap any items that was dropped like a ring or something.
Can I deposit a Baskin Robbins Gift check?
It has the routing numbers, but has anyone tried to succesfully deposit it and get the cash in your account? Otherwise, how can I get the money out of the check?
How long do outboard motors last?
I have a 70hp Suzuki 4 stroke. I use it only on the weekends and i rinse it out with fresh water every sunday (before the week). It's a 2005 but it wasn't put into service until 2008 so it has 180 hours on it. Are these pretty much bulletproof given that you follow maintenance because occasionally I will run at full throttle for a few minutes(?).
Do I sound like a hipster?
I love ethnic clothes, I'm a musician- I play the Zimbabwean mbira, I'm very internet-savvy, I have a shelf full of philosophical publications, I enjoy art and particularly graphic design, I'm something of an eco-geek, I live in a hipster/hippie town, I'm a chai connoisseur, and I collect incense. But none of this is to make any kind of statement- I just enjoy it. Are hipsters really that bad? And do I fit the description?
Is their going to be a new mac book pro coming out soon? easy 10 points?
I want to buy a mbp but I dont know if I should buy it now or wait for the new one to come out? what do you think I should do? buy it now or wait?
Mizuno golf set made in japan?
I'm looking for a mizuno golf club set that is made in Japan.. The ones I've seen are forged in Japan and made I china.. Does anyone know where I can find made in Japan mizuno iron sets?
WhY is the right side of my body more mature than the left?
Im left handed. So im wondering why my right is mature than left. Lik i have more hair on my right cheek. My right hand is harrier than my left. And more places
Whats the name of the fictional aircraft with two harrier like engines on each wing pointing downwards?
its not fictional theres an osprey the marines are using,the engines r on wings that rotate for vstol/stol,depending on number of folks on board,vertical take off short takeoff landing operations
Cat trick help asap!!!!!!!!?
i know this mweird but iam aight sound teen and my tabby cat is 5 and i want him 2 learn a trick what are some simple tasks that he can learn within a month or less and how do i do it..i need details verbatim
Re talking catfish in my tank?
actually yes i do have a what is known as a talking catfish actually... when you lift him out of the water he croaks hence being called a talking catfish if you are an expert on fish you would have known this fact,,, not so clever then eh poppy.....
Lisa walks like a hoodie outside the off license?
i suppose its only to be expected from such an ugly specimen of the female form, she has a swagger you see only from street urchins and football hooligans, when she was in costume in london i could still make out it was her just by watching the walk...
Why do Burns Hurt So Much?
i got a burn from a metal pot about 30 minutes ago and it stings as hell. it only doesnt hurt when i put it in a gl of crushed ice. soy sauce did nothing, polysporin nothing, i sound like a babybu i need to clean up but it stings so much. i already took asn==n advil ut will it help? what can i do
I have congenital nystagnus, if I have a baby will they be at risk for developing this anymore than others?
Around 5 months age I was diagnosed with congenital nystagnus, I have always wanted kids, and umed I would have them. But in reading about parenting, I am starting to become concerned that if I have a child they will be more at risk for developing this than any other child. Is that so? Is nystagnus hereditary? Or is my child no more likely to develop it than any other child?
Do you believe eugenics is evil?
I think study in this field is valuable for helping people who already live. I would have a problem with it if means murdering people who already live.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
What results should I expect after doing 30 days of the P90X LEAN?
I'm currently looking to lose pounds and inches. I just started P90X and it is pretty breathtaking, literally! I'm wanting to know from those of you who have actually DONE this program, how many inches/how much weight did you lose within the first 30 days? I've done 1 week and lost 5 lbs so far!
I am desperate. How do I get my girlfriend back?
My girlfriend has dumped me for the most stupid reasons. She says that I have been cheating with dozens of other girls. This just is not true! I have only been cheating with five or six or a few more, ten at the most. And she says that one of the girls was her sister and that made her really mad. But that is so stupid. What is that to do with it? And she says I am only interested in her for her body, which is NOT true. She is an awful looker and I only hang around with her because she is well minted and I rely on her money. If she will not have me back, I will need to get someone else to help me out or in the worst case, I will have to get a job. That would be terrible so what can I do to get her back?
US Navy SARC Corpsman?
what all schools can you go to that are optional like free fall,air ault? and do you have to go to Marine combat dive school like the Marines do or is is optional to because im not that strong a swimmer.
Should I trade in Gears of War 2 and Far Cry 2 for Fallout 3 or some other new release OR COD 4?
I DONT play gow 2 online i just dont like it much and i played the singleplayer mission twice. far cry 2 i haven't finished but it doesn't look like i'll miss it. So should i? they add up to 70$ at eb just enough to buy a new game.
The war on drugs, good or bad??
This war on drugs has been going on in America sense the early 1900's, maybe longer. I know in the 1920's that illegal narcotics was a big problem though alcohol was the illegal drug most often remembered from that era. In the 1950's morphine started to get a major billing as an illegal drug because of former WW2 & Korean GI's that got addicted to it. In the 60's & 70's the feds & states were arresting folks left & right for illegal drug use. This war on drugs continues to this day. Excuse my ignorance on the subject, but WHO started this "war"? Do any of you reading this post know what it has cost taxpayers overall? I do NOT know the cost sense the wars conception so long ago but would imagine the cost for incarceration, surveillance, foreign operations, programs, legislation etc have cost the U.S. taxpayer hundreds of millions if not a billion or maybe more. Is not a persons body their OWN property? If so, why is using drugs illegal? Is this war even constitutionally legal?
What does this quote mean?
Set your dreams and goals hi, that way you will never run out of dreams and goals. You will never come to the end of your dreams.
I want to write for NYT or some other really good newspaper. How can I approach them?I already write for one.?
I already write for a paper and I want to join NYT or some other good newsppaer. My english language is really good, so how can I approach NYT? I'm not looking for money, I just want to write and be known. And I'm not in USA, so how exactly should I approach a really good newspaper?
Taxi dillema... PLEASE HELP!!!?
I have just qualified as a taxi driver and am looking forward to my first shift next Tuesday. However, there are a few things that im worrying about. I have a stomach problem and occionally get very bad gas. Should I apologise in advance and ask the customer to open the window while I release my gas, or just do it and pretend it never happened? Secondly, I have a certain fondness for death metal rock music and find I cannot concentrate on driving without playing my fave song ('DIE WORLD DIEEE' by 'I LOVE MACRES')... Should I continue to play my music at a deafening level and just ignore the wishes of my customers... or should I risk permanent paralysis and death by turning the music off? Please Please Help!!
Guys, would you be pissed?
i wouldnt...maybe a little but you didnt even post them..but i would still be a little mad knowing that you did that and hes probly mad becuz he doesnt have any proof that you didnt do it...hes a little on the sensitive side...
Antony and Cleopatra - Shakespeare - stageing and setting?
Shakespeare relied upon his audiences using their imagination. There was no attempt at scenery in his day, nor any at anything other than contemporary clothing. It is very much a Victorian concept that started to introduce realistic scenery and authentic period costume into the theatre.
White thing in my throat.?
I have a white bump in the back of my throat. I cant really even call it a bump though. It doesn't hurt or anything. It actually feels like a piece of food that never went all the way down and is just sitting there attached to my throat. I can feel it with my tounge. Im not sure what the heck it is, so if someone could help me I would appreciate it very much. Thank you , Kellie
Makeshift swimwear for an FTM?
there's this thing I've heard about a strap designed for FTM's to make the area not stick out so much. however it may be a bit short notice. Just wear a t-shirt and shorts. there are many cis-men who have they need to cover up who do the same thing.
Why didn't McCain pick Ann Coulter instead of Palin? I'm sure she has reasonable qualities she can proud of?
Coulter seems so remarkably charming in being cynical, trigger happy, expertly putting terror and fear of everything coming out from Democrats and Liberals. She would make a great partner for McCain as I believe she will be more than willing to push the nuclear missiles on during chaos with Russia or Iran.Dont you think so?
Worried about eli and clare (degri)?
if eli's in 11th grade, and clare in 10th (iknow this cuz in an ep sav said she in 10th takin 11th grade english, what will happen when eli's a senior and graduates....maybe clare can skip a grade?i really want to know cuz now this makes me sad if they have to split up just because of college : (
Toddler biting dog---?
My 20 month old over the past week has bit our dog at least three times that I am aware of. Twice he has chomped her tail and once on the scruff of her neck. He doesn't bite people. He seems to understand that he shouldn't do it, given the smile he gives me as he goes in for the chomp. The dog is very sweet, has not shown any aggression towards anyone, etc, but she is clearly not too keen about it. I have been redirecting by boy anytime his head is near the dog. The bites have been consequenced with a stern "No" and a time out. Anyone else with any experience? Hopefully this phase will be as short as his phase of trying to drink out of the dogs water dish was.
Which is better?? before or after?? pics inside!!?
I personally think your hair looks nicer short, I escpecially like it in the ponytail. Your hair looked pretty dry and dead when it was longer. I think layers would look really nice with your hair, too.
What did I see??????????????
Symbolically you saw someone whose behaviour was driven by their limbic system, what a psychiatrist might call a dyssocial person. You didn't literally see a reptilian humanoid.
I'm looking for the name of a song I sung in elementary school?
The song went something like Maria from old bohema...something something than Maria from rio de long as you sing a song..I long for rio de janeiro I long for rio de janeiro rio is for me oh ..that's all the words I know
Need help with this girl?
so there's this girl that im crazy about. ive had a crush on her for the last 2 yeras. the first year i didnt do anything cuz she had a boyfriend but they broke up. so for about a year now ive been tryin to get with her. she knows i like her we hooked up and we always have a blast when he hang out. there's never any dull or akward moments. i really adore this girl...i always listen to her stories, do my best to support basically everything a good boyfriend should do i even talk to her b4 she goes to bed and sometimes she texts me at night if she cant sleep but for some reason she doesnt want to commit to me and i have no idea why. its startin to hurt me now everytime we hang out cuz i hate knowin she is just a friend. any advice on how i can win this girl over or does anyone think this girl is just repeately teasing me. from what i heard she is hookin up with other guys too so maybe she just wnats to be single cuz she broke up with her ex a year ago and doesnt want a relationship. when i try to talk about it to her she just changes topic. any advice would be great cuz like i said im basically in love with this girl and id do anything to get with her
I'm sick of it, someone help?
I bit my nails until I was about 18. I quit by replacing the need, or urge, to bite them with taking care of them. I've never bitten them since and I'm almost 47.
In sims2 university,how do you move the NPC sims out of the dorm?
in the sims 2 university expansion pack,when you move your sims to a dorm room and all the NPCs from the neighborhood show up and claim the rooms,how do you get them to move out so you can have your sim switch rooms??is there a cheat or something?please help its driving me craaazyy lol
My ex boyfriend is threatening suicide?
He's manipulating you with suicide. Don't let him get away with it by talking to him. Tell his parents, and then move on and try to forget him. He was forceful with you, and now he is manipulating you. You do not want that type of person in your life, trust me! Just let his folks know what is going on.
Does this settle the vexed question as to who were responsible for Jesus' crucifixion?
I think he should have raised an appeal, if he had a decent solicitor I bet he would have just got a fine and some community service.
What was the song Charlie was singing in an episode of two and a half men?
Its called tequila and its instramental the only words are when they shout tequila.check out you can watch all the episodes of two and a half plus many many more shows and movies.Also for the song.
Is it OK to drink beer while on Accutane?
I just recently started Accutane like 4 days ago. I was wondering if I can still go to parties and drink a few beers, not as many as I usually would like playing beer games and stuff but just kind of hang out and drink at my own pace. Will it hurt me or anything? We drink keystone light so its pretty much water anyways
University question any chances for admission?
Hi I'm in grade 11 in CANADA going into grade 12, but I'm looking towards university and I'm just curious if you guys think I'll get into these schools: McGill, Harvard, UPenn, UToronto, Uchicago, UCaliBerkly, Georgetown, Cornell, Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge. I know my standards are high but I'm just curious. My SAT score is 2200, 700 engs and 800 math, got perfect on my SAT Math 1 and 2. Here's the sad part, in grade 9 had a 85 avg and grade 10 88 avg, I didn't work because I didn't have a goal or something to work towards didn't know what to do. But in grade 10 when I started to do lead clubs(History Club) and take leadership roles(school events: dances etc) I started to like doing it. I also competed in a few speaking comps and got 1st places. Plus I started to volunteer at my local politcal office, and I wanted to go into politics. In grade 11 I kept this goal in mind, took the hardest courses from our school possible(3 science 2 maths, English and French all AP) and ended up with a 92 avg, in grade 12 I'll end up with a 92 avg, the workload's the same. In grade 11 I lead my school to a MUN in the region and I also took part in a debate club and continued volunteering. Have any chances to go to ANY one of these schools? I heard that some people had the simliar case and got into schools like UPenn(the part where they started working hard because they found out what they wanted to do). thanks 10 points to anyone that answers
Cav beat lakers (again)?
now you laker fans can shut up talking bout best team in nba ha in my oinion my celtic are no 1 cavs are no 2 and lakers are finally no 3 gimme your coments oh and you haters dont answer
How to convert a Vertical Shaft Lawn Mower engine into a Go-Kart engine?
there are different ways of doing that, one way is too use a peerless brand 5 speed trany but the output is slow and gearing it to the rear axle is often an issue. you would need a big sprocket on the trany out put and a small one on the axle. my friend did this with a smaller mower engine. im umeing you have the twin cylinder briggs but, depending on what oiling system it has you may be able to run it horizontal with mods to the oiling and the carb intake but i don't actually know. you might consider just tradeing/selling your engine to buy an easier one to use. if its in good shape it might be worth the price of a new or good used engine. you would probably want a big kart for an engine that size, maybe a smaller one would suit better anyways but thats up to you. if you can use a horizontal engine a belt drive torque converter with a chain drive to the solid rear axle is a good way to go. easy to set up too, but the belt drive costs money too of course. there is no end to what you can do and how you do it but its best to stay simple. makeing a kart with a vertical shaft engine might not be worth the trouble.
Monday, August 8, 2011
ICE: Nearly 600 detained in Miss. plant raid??? ?
Arrest the company officers, and arrest them for GOOD. These guys are the real culprits and they need far more than a hand slapping.
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